Fostoria Electric Heaters |
 | Mut-T-Mount Electric Infra-Red Heater
For indoor spot heating, outdoor spot heating, snow & ice control. - 20 ga. painted steel or stainless steel housing - 2 Clear Quartz lamps - Built - in surface mounting brackets for 0 deg. up to 45 deg. tilt
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 | Mul-T-Mount Electric Infra-red Heater
For indoor spot heating, outdoor spot heating, snow & ice control.
- 20 ga. stainless steel housing - 3 clear quartz lamps - Built-in surface mounting brackets for 0 deg. up to 45 deg. tilt
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 | Heavy Duty Electric Infra-red Heater
For Indoor Spot and total area space heating applications.
- 6.0 kw (20,478 BTU's) - U Shaped Metal Sheath Heating Elements - Gold anodized aluminum housing - L brackets included for chain suspension
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 | Heavy Duty Electric Infra-red Heater
For indoor spot and total area space heating applications
- 4.5 kw (15,358 BTU's) - U Shaped metal sheath heating element - L brackets for chain suspension
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 | Heavy Duty Electric Infra-Red Heater
For indoor spot and total area space heating applications
- 13.5 kw (46,000 BTU's) - U shaped metal sheath heating elements - Gold anodized aluminum housing - L brackets for chain suspension
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 | RPH Series Stainless Outdoor Infrared Heater
Designed expecially for outdoor heating over decks and patios in both residential and commercial applications. Stainless steel housing for excellent weather and corrosion resistance
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 | Trimline Quartz Tube Infrared Heater
- Frosted quartz tube heating element - Indoor and outdoor spot heating - Brown powder coat or stainless housing
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 | FHK Series Portable Infra-Red Heaters
- Designed for indoor and outdoor use - U shaped metal sheath heating elements - 2.0, 4.5, 6.0 and 13.5 kw models - gold anodized aluminum reflector
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 | Heat Wave Electric Heater Specifications
For portable spot and total area heating in the construction trades.
10 KW (34,130 BTUH) 240V 15 KW (51,195 BTUH) 208V, 240V, 480V 30 KW (102,390 BTUH 480V, 600V
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 | Mitey Midget Electric Infrared Heaters
For comfort heat and "do-it-yourself" process heat applications
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