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Superior Radiant ProductsEnerco High Intensity Infrared Heaters, 8060 NPP, 8060 NDSP-5, 4040 LPP, 4040 NDSP-5, 4040 LA-5, 4040 LPP, H25N, H22L, HS25N, HS25L, MH25N, MH22L, 9100SRinnaiChromalox HVH, KUH Electric Garage and shop heatersFostoria Industries (TPI, Corp.)Mr. Heater, MH42T, MH24T, MH12T, H25N, H22L, Construction Heater, outdoor heater, salamander heater, HS55FAV, MH55FAV, HS80CV, MH80 CV, HS200CV, MH200VCQmarkEskabe Direct Vent Wall Heater, DVEL 8, DVEL 12, DVEL 20VAL 6


For infrared radiant tube heaters, high intensity infra-red heaters, garage heaters, shop heaters, space heaters, vent free heaters, direct vent wall furnaces, outdoor patio heaters, fireplaces, and much more ... You've come to the right place!

Here you'll find a comprehensive overview of the manufacturers we represent along with complete product descriptions, specifications and pictures to assist you in your sales and installations.

To search, simply click on the links to the left or the right, or on one of the pictures shown below.  If you don't see what you're looking for, or if you need additional information, please contact us. We're here to help!

Enerco (Heatstar) H25N, H22L, HS25N, HS22LVent Free Infrared Garage HeaterSuperior Infra-Red Radiant Tube Heaters, UA100, UA/UX, UA80, UA125, UA150, UA175, UA205, UA220, UX100, UX150, TA, TX, TXR, UXR series burner, radiant tube heaterEnerco (Heatstar) Vent Free Room Heater, HSVFR10, HSVFR20, HSVFR30, unvented heater, infrared room heater
Sun Classic High Intensity Infrared HeaterHabanero outdoor patio heaterEnerco High Intensity Infra-Red Heater, 4040LPP, 4040NPP, 4040 LA-5, 4040 NDSP-5, 8060 LPP, 8060 NPP, 8060NPP, 8060LPP, 8060NDSP-5, 8060LA-5, 9100SNPP, 9100SLPP, 9100SLA-5, 9100SNDSP-5
Electric Infra-Red HeaterEskabe Direct Vent Heater
EvenGlo Propane Patio HeaterElectric Forced Air HeaterHeatwave, Heat Wave, Electric Construction Heater, electric salamander heater, electric construction heater
Portable Convection Heater, HS80VC, MH80CV, HS200CV, MH200CVForced Air Construction Heater, HS55FAV, HS125FAV, HS170FAV, MH55FAV, MH60FAV, MH125FAV, MH170FAV, salamander heater, torpedo heaterPropane Infra-Red Heater, MH42T, MH24T
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