Attention Angel Enthusiasts:

Guardian Angel and Angel of Light
Now Available as Limited Edition Prints!

Guardian AngelAngel of Light

ANGEL COLLECTORS: Did you know that Lena Liu has several
limited edition prints featuring ANGELS?

Among the most popular are the "Guardian Angel" and the "Angel of Light." Both prints are 20" x 26" size images and are available for $125 each as limited edition prints and for $395 each on canvas or $545 framed.

Who couldn't use the help of their very own guardian angel? That's just what Lena Liu gives collectors in her angel paintings.

"Guardian Angel" (above left) illustrates with breathtaking beauty, a guardian angel in a gothic setting. Clad in a pure white robe with a salmon colored wrap, she stands in the archway of an ancient building with ivy trailing down its stone columns. The deep blue sky provides a marbled backdrop that further dramatizes her powerful presence. Her arms are outstretched to reach out to those in need, bringing comfort and cheer to help them face whatever may come. Lovely white doves, the angel's earthly messengers, gather round to fly out to those awaiting her goodness and generosity.

Next, "Angel of Light" (above right) is a perfect complement to the Guardian Angel. The angel draped in white robes glides gracefully through an elegantly arched entrance. Her candle creates a soft glow to reveal a glimpse of towering columns in the distance. All around her, beautiful white doves make ready to deliver her reassuring messages of hope.

To order these pieces or to find the gallery nearest you, please call 1-800-541-7696.

You can also view Lena Liu's other angel images:

"Angel with Trumpet"(Approx. 155K)
"Angel with Harp"(Approx. 155K)
"Angel of Love"(Approx.250K)

For those of you interested in more information on Angels and Angel Artwork
you might want to visit the Angelic Artistry's Art Gallery web site.

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